AGM Archive 11 of 11

11. AGM 2012


Following a proposal at the AGM in March 2012, we have now moved the AGM date back to November/December and we will hold an EGM in March/April to adopt the audited accounts, in line with the Sports Club.

So we held a second Annual General Meeting at the Sports Club on Sunday 9th December 2012 at 6.30pm.

The main purpose of this meeting was to appoint club officers - audited accounts will be presented to members in April 2013. Minutes of the meeting as follows :

Shipston-on-Stour Cricket Club Annual General Meeting December 2012

Present :

Roger Wickson, Neil Harper, Tom Cox, Gary Betteridge, Kenny Hirst, Paul Cross, Matt Corby, Marcus Ireland, Mark Ireland, Andrew Righton, Joe Godson, Jack Murphy, Dave Murphy, John Bradley, Rob Bradley, Dave Pyne

Apologies :

Steve Hedderman

Minutes of last AGM :

Read and accepted as a true record and unanimously adopted following a proposal from Jack Murphy, seconded by Dave Murphy

Matters arising :

Rob Bradley asked that thanks be recorded to everyone involved with the new scorebox project

Chairman’s report :

The Chairman addressed the meeting with his report - he described a season of ups and downs, with the 1st XI competing well in the Premier Division and finishing a creditable 5th but the 2nd XI suffering from very poor availability to finish 9th and suffer relegation to Division 3. He continued with several “thank you”s :

To our esteemed President John Bradley, who supports the club superbly in several roles – President, Umpire, Junior helper etc

To Gary Betteridge for his efforts with the 1st XI, who achieved a creditable 5th place in the Premier Division

To Tom Cox for his efforts with the 2nd XI - he had done a great job under very trying circumstances this season.

To Jack Murphy for his excellent work with the next generation of Shipston cricketers, along with his helpers Paul Cross, Matt Corby, Marcus Ireland, Luke Canning & John Bradley.

To scorers Ron & Rob - we are spoiled as a club to have such dedicated umpires & scorers.

To Emma for the unmatched hospitality she provides on match days, especially with the superb teas.

To the rest of the hard-working committee who do lots behind the scenes to keep the club running.

He looked forward to the coming season with great hope for both sides being in the hunt for silverware on the pitch but warned that the current committee is very small and that we need more help this year - please bear that in mind when we come to election of officers.

Treasurer's report :

The treasurer explained that this was the second AGM of 2012 following a change of AGM date so there were no audited accounts to view - these would be presented at an EGM in April.

However there were some comparisons to previous years which needed to be highlighted.

Our income, which consists mainly of match fees & subscriptions, had dropped by almost £1000 despite the reintroduction of the annual subscription in 2012. This was mainly due to losing virtually all of our Sunday fixtures to weather or cancellations.

Our expenditure had increased by over £300 on the previous season - with increased insurance costs being the main contributor.

One thing to consider for next season - only £27 was raised by selling cards after the game - all by 1st XI. This MUST be improved in 2013.

Election of officers :

The following positions were filled :

President : John Bradley stated he was happy to continue as President if needed and took the opportunity to thank everyone involved in the President's XI day, which was a day he will remember forever.

Chairman : Roger Wickson was proposed by GB and seconded by KH - Roger agreed to stand as chairman on the understanding that the committee received more help in 2013.

Vice-Chairman : Neil Harper was willing to stand as Vice-chairman again but would be happy for any new committee member to take on this low-maintenance role if the committee agreed - to be discussed at the first committee meeting.

Treasurer : Kenny Hirst was proposed by DM and seconded by TC - Kenny agreed to stand again

Secretary : Neil Harper was proposed by JB and seconded by JM - Neil agreed to stand again

Fixture Secretary : Roger Wickson stated that he would prefer to hand over fixture secretary duties to a new committee member if possible - again this would be discussed at the first committee meeting.

Committee members : Richard Strong, Mark Ireland, Marcus Ireland, Joe Godson and Tom Cox were all voted in en bloc following a proposal from GB seconded by RB. At the first committe meeting the possibility of taking on the roles of vice-chairman, fixture secretary & league delegate would be discussed.

1st XI Captain : Gary Betteridge and Paul Cross were both willing to stand for 1st XI captain so a ballot was held - Paul Cross was returned as the favoured candidate by a small majority. He was proposed as captain by AR and seconded by MC. RW asked for his thanks to be recorded to Gary for his many years of service as 1st XI captain and welcomed PC to the role.

1st XI Vice-captain : Matt Corby was proposed by PC and seconded by JB, agreeing to take on the role.

2nd XI Captain : Tom Cox had stated his intention to stand down - RW again asked for his thanks to be placed on record to Tom for his hard work over recent seasons in a difficult role, and asked for nominations for the position from the floor. Andy Righton stated he would be willing to stand as captain again and that Steve Hedderman had agreed to be his vice-captain. The pair were proposed by TC and seconded by JB.

Sunday captain :

No-one had been expected to stand for Sunday captain and the committee had expected to appoint match managers on a rota basis - however Jack Murphy stated that he would be willing to take on the role of match manager for the season, as he would be playing most weeks and would be involved in getting the juniors playing anyway. Matt Corby also stated he would be happy to do likewise as he would be playing every week too. NH stated that, in name at least, we appeared to have found a Sunday Captain and Vice-captain - they were proposed as such as a pair by RW and seconded by NH.


Junior coaching – Jack Murphy raised the issue of qualified coaches for junior coaching – we need another coach for the new Under 12s group as Jack (under 14s coach) cannot be in 2 places at once. While 4 club members had helped out with junior coaching in 2012, none were able to commit to the coaching course over the winter, so we needed another candidate. After some discussion, Mark Ireland agreed to take the course in February and become Under 12s coach for 2013. RW thanked him for agreeing to take on this commitment and asked Mark to liaise with Jack & Neil to get the application in.

Rule change - Dave Murphy asked the committee if they would consider proposing a change to league rules on bowling bonus points for dismissing sides for 120 or less, and an amendment to guidance about legside wides - the committee agreed to discuss these points at their first meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.05pm, next committee meeting Thursday 20th December 2012, 7pm Sports Club.