AGM Archive 10 of 11

10. AGM 2013

Minutes of Shipston CC AGM held at Shipston Sports Club at 7.00pm on Sunday 1st December 2013

Present :
Neil Harper, Tom Cox, Gary Betteridge, Kenny Hirst, Paul Cross, Matt Corby, Mark Ireland, Joe Godson, Jack Murphy, Ron Murphy, John Bradley, Rob Bradley, Matthew Pratt, Arnie Hibberd, Nick Hibberd, Pete Betteridge


Apologies :

Dave Murphy, Marcus Ireland, Ben Cox, Alex Welsby, Roger Wickson


Minutes of last AGM :

Read and accepted as a true record & adopted following a proposal from Paul Cross, seconded by Matt Corby


Matters arising :



Chairman’s report :

The Chairman addressed the meeting with his report – he outlined his view that the club was in good shape on the field, with the 1st XI being in the shake-up for Premier Division honours until the last week of the season, the 2nd XI recovering from a poor start to post some fine results in Division 3, and our growing junior section going from strength to strength. Off the field, the club’s finances have been stabilised by some hard work behind the scenes, with the Three Peaks Challenge and the new banner sponsorship scheme providing some much-needed funds. The chairman asked for his thanks to be recorded to those involved with the Three Peaks Challenge, especially Tom Cox who had thought up, planned and led the whole project with such distinction. However, he ended on a note of caution, pointing out that despite all the hard work on fundraising in 2013, we are only marginally better off than the previous year, making fundraising the number one priority yet again for 2014.


Treasurer’s report :

The club’s audited accounts will be presented in April following last year’s change of constitution.

KH reported that the bank accounts total approx. £1500 more than at the same time in 2012. However a bill for end-of-season work will be due in the near future, which will reduce the balance significantly, so despite all the hard work this season, we are only slightly better off.
On the plus side, a few one-off costs such as the purchase of gang mowers, repair of mobile nets will not be repeated in 2014 and owning the mowers will result in considerable savings going forward.

One thing to bear in mind for 2014 is Sports Club subscriptions – while we absorbed the subscriptions increase passed down by the Sports Club last year, we may have to consider passing on any further increases to our playing members should they be raised again.


Election of officers :

The following positions were filled :

President John Bradley stated he was happy to stand again as president and was proposed by GB, seconded by MC.

Chairman Mark Ireland, proposed JB, seconded KH.
Vice-Chairman Neil Harper, proposed PC, seconded MC.
Treasurer Kenny Hirst, proposed TC, seconded JM.
Secretary Neil Harper, proposed TC, seconded JM
Fixture Secretary Kenny Hirst, proposed MC, seconded PC.
League Delegate Neil Harper, proposed MC, seconded PC.
1st XI Captain Paul Cross, proposed MC, seconded JM.
1st XI Vice-Captain Matt Corby, proposed PC, seconded TC.
2nd XI Captain Matthew Pratt, proposed KH, seconded MC.
2nd XI Vice-Captain Neil Harper, proposed MP, seconded KH.
Sunday Captain No Sunday captain was found but a proposal for a Sunday Match Manager was received – this will be discussed at the first committee meeting of the year.
Junior Head Coach Jack Murphy, proposed MC, seconded KH.
Committee Members

  • Tom Cox, proposed JM, seconded NH.
  • Joe Godson, proposed KH, seconded JM.
  • Nick Hibberd, proposed MI, seconded KH



Amendment to constitution – the committee asked the members to vote on an amendment to the constitution, rewording it to fall in line with ECB best practices. The amendment was voted in unanimously.

JB asked what the current position was with football use of the outfield, expressing concerns that sooner or later, a serious accident will happen if the outfield is continually damaged by junior football use.

NH explained that arrangements are in place to meet with the football section regularly through the winter and spring to agree on what needs to be done to repair any damage as soon as possible – we will not be taken by surprise at the poor state of the outfield again, as happened in 2013. Plans are in place to spray the outfield at the end of next season and re-seed to remove the growing broad leaf weed problem we are getting.