ICCF 2 of 4

2. ICCF No2

It’s a bit like a Muller Rice advert, for every bit of pleasure there is slice of pain, the ICCF were overjoyed to find out that Ilkeston has been awarded £4.5m of government funding for improvements to its rail station. The pain arrived on discovering the old station had been axed by Dr Beeching in 1963 and the improvements included the laying of track.
Never mind, the ingenuity of the ICCF knows no bounds and an alternative mode of transport was procured, problem one, it required a driver, meaning that one member of the ICCF would have to suffer the drunken ‘Humour’ of the others. Bullying is a fair tactic when picking a driver and a hapless victim was selected, never mind it’s the last time I he will have to drive this season.

The adventure did not begin well, certain members (you know who you are) not understanding that depart at 12:00 meant from the club and not their house. Having picked up the culprits form the Burghley Club (can you guess who it was yet?) we made our uneventful way to Ilkeston.

Until you have driven a speed restricted mini-bus you cannot possibly appreciate just how boring it is, thank heavens for the radio! Didn’t realise how popular Yodelling was in 1962 (courtesy of Radio 2) and just how much 17 year olds hate it, considering marketing it as an anti-teenager deterrent, what do you think Will I am?

Arrived at The Shute, reminded us of our old Phorpres home, sadly no longer with us. Greeted by their President, a real gent, insisted on buying everyone a beer, and then another, and another (I’m not bitter really).

The Game – we won

After their president bought us another beer, we caught the end of the mighty England’s smashing of Australia. Had a couple more beers and generally agreed that the rugby folk of Ilkeston were generally decent types. Had another beer and decided to go in search of Fish & Chips.
Loaded the bus, strangely we had more coming back then went! Never mind we decided to make Fred buy the chips.

Johnny’s Fish Bar, what can I say? Excellent fish & chips, let down by, and we are getting picky here, but our standards are high;- The smallest plastic forks known to man, and serving everything in paper, nobody wants to spill vinegar on their shoes! Thus Johnny’s could have been number 1 especially as £4.20 for Cod & Chips seamed a great deal, however it sits proudly at No2 on our list an will take some shifting.
Journey home marred by a beer stop at a carvery, where we all failed to win a merkat and had indifferent beer and the realisation that we know about one song between us, song sheets have been ordered and another rule for the ICCF has been formulated;-

Any member of the ICCF who is unable to sing a song on request will be immediately ejected from the mode of transport selected that day. If they are lucky the transport will be stopped first.

Returned home without further incident. looking forward to the long and arduous trek to Kettering.