England Rugby / OEs - Club Accreditation Policies 5 of 11

5. Roles - Volunteers & Support



Old Elthamians has written this role description to clarify the role of volunteer/support team member and clearly identify the responsibility he or she takes within the club. The role may seem a less glamorous one but it is as important to the club as any role.

The role description should be read & understood and also utilised in conjunction with the new codes of conduct & policies that the club have introduced.

Role Description

1) Arrive at the club before the specific time allotted for youth members to turn up, so you can prepare & check any equipment required. Also make sure you clear away and account for any equipment & encourage the children to assist in these activities.

2) Supervise the children both indoors and outdoors to support coach's activities.

3) Maintain records registers, first aid kits and any other equipment as required.

4) Always follow the club equity policy and maintain a non-racial, sexist, ethnic or religious discrimination at all times.

5) Welcome parents, carers and guardians to the club, encourage them to help in fund raising activities. Consult with them to advise on any issues to do with the children & specifically their children. Encourage them to adhere to the parent code of conduct & also support their children in club activities & games. Issue welcome pack to parents/carers.

6) Administer basic first aid and stay with sick children until parent, carer or professional medical assistance arrives as required.

7) Provide a safe environment at all times and make sure that all areas to be used are safe.

8) Work as part of a team and attend all relevant meetings.

9) Attend as many specific training courses as you can and concentrate on your own personal development to help in your performance with the children.

10) Learn the clubs emergency policies and learn the locations of all emergency equipment and procedures as detailed in the clubs policy e.g. accident/emergency, fire drill. Special consideration and attention will save lives.

11) Be familiar with the clubs code of conduct and child protection policy.

12) Inform the club (someone of responsibility) & head of youth coaching when you are not able to attend.

13) Control of, and storage of playing kit.

14) Prepare and clean drinking bottles & after training snacks & drinks.

The coach in old Elthamians is defined in two roles , Head coach and assistant coach. Both should work together as a team & as a team ensure the safe & quality coaching of the youth members.

The Head coach should take responsibility for the team matters & act as a responsible member of the Youth Coaching structure.

An Assistant coach should report to the Head coach & help to develop the quality of coaching for all involved.