Our new cricket club website has arrived!
Our new cricket club website has arrived!
After months of hard work, we are proud to announce the launch of our new website. Join us as we embark on this exciting new journey.
24 Apr 2023
Ā  - Ā Nathan Thangaraj
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Club Sponsors
Shirt Sponsor - Gourmet Palate, Aberdeen
Match Ball Sponsor  - IDI  Services
Event Sponsor - Botanique
Videos & PhotosSee all
Crescent vs Grammar at Links
6 Sep 2021
Crescent vs Master Blasters Aberdeen
30 Aug 2021
Crescent vs AGFPs 29th May 2021
16 Jul 2021
Crescent vs Mannofield 2019
1 Jun 2019
Indoor Nets 7th April 2013
7 Apr 2013