Sponsorship 4 of 4

4. Information

Information on the sponsorship opportunities for your business during the 20117-2018 season.

Match Sponsor
2 Match tickets.
Hospitality for you and your guests.
2 Match Programs.
Price £120

Match Ball
2 Match tickets and 2 Match Programs.
Price £50

Player Sponsor
Sponsor your favourite player! Decided for your self which player to sponsor(if player available).
Price £80

Program Advert
Advertise in our Match-day Programme, full page, half page or a quarter of a page all in colour!

Ground Advertising
Advertise your business around Victoria Park for the season, just provide the logo and the club will do the rest.

Website Advert
Have your logo displayed on the clubs homepage for a 12 month period.

If you are interested in any of these please contact: burscoughfc.corporate@gmail.com