Constitution 2 of 2

2. Constitution 2


The Club shall be known as “Alloa Rugby Football Club”.
The object of the club is to provide facilities for, and promote participation of, the whole community in the sport of rugby.

The Club shall consist of:
(A)Honorary President
(B)Honorary Vice-Presidents
(E)Honorary Life Members (including automatically all Past Presidents)
(F)Associate Members
(G)Full Members (all above when not specially mentioned, hereafter referred to as members)
(H)Junior Playing Members (being Members under the age of eighteen years)
(I)Temporary Members (being members of Clubs who are invited as guests by The Club to play Rugby Football in Alloa) and wives of Members
(J)Social Members
(K)The Club must have at least 25 members to be properly constituted.
(L)No person is to be allowed honorary or temporary membership of the club or to be relieved of the payment of the regular entrance fee or subscription – (1) except to allow temporary participation in the activity which is the prime purpose of the club: and (2) except in accordance with specific provision set out in the club rules.

Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons, irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs; or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of rugby as a particular sport.
The Club may refuse membership or expel any from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club’s members and decided by a majority vote.

The colours shall be red shirts with a four inch horizontal white band, white shorts and red stockings with white tops to be worn.

Applications for Membership shall be made, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary, or the Honorary Treasurer. Candidates for admission to Membership of the Club, shall be proposed, and seconded, by two Full members of the Club, and the election of Members shall be by the General Committee. Membership applications are considered at the monthly General Committee meetings. In the event of a vote being required, a simple majority of a quorate meeting will prevail.
Persons to be honoured by the Club by election to Life Membership, shall be nominated by the General Committee, and be elected at an Annual General Meeting.

The Annual Subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting. All subscriptions shall be due on, or before, the 1st September of the current financial year. Membership cards will be issued to each member annually. Any Member whose subscription shall not be paid by the 1st September of the current financial year shall be debarred from playing and from voting at club and Committee meetings until such time as the subscription shall be paid.

The General Committee shall have power to remove from the Roll of Membership any Member:-
(a) who has failed to pay his annual subscription, or failed to pay any other monies due to the Club, after two months notice has been given by the Honorary Treasurer, provided that such Members be reinstated on payment of all arrears, or

(b) whose conduct the Committee shall deem to be detrimental to the Club’s best interests, or to the best interest of Rugby Football, provided that no less than three-quarters of the Committee are in favour of the name being so removed from the Roll of Membership.

The affairs of the Club, excepting the selection of Teams, shall be managed by a General Committee of full club members, consisting of a President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Bar Convenor, 1st XV Coach, 1st XV Captain, who shall hold office for one year, and be eligible for re-election, and five Full Members, who shall serve for a period of two years, after which they will stand down, but will be eligible for re-election.

The Committee shall hold meetings monthly. Seven members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. The President, whom failing, a Vice-President, whom failing, one of their own number, nominated by the Members shall have full powers to fill any vacancies, which may occur among officials during the year.

Correct accounts, and books, shall be kept, and maintained, showing the financial affairs, and intromissions of the Club, which shall be audited by an accountant, appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting.

Bank Account: A Bank Account shall be kept in the name of the Club, with such Bank as the General Committee shall from time to time determine. Such Bank Account shall be operated by the Treasurer, along with the Secretary, or other Official of the Club, approved by the Committee.
Financial Year: The Financial Year shall end on 31st March.
The Committee is hereby authorised to borrow, raise finance, and grant security, in such manner as the Committee shall think fit.

The property of the Club shall be invested in the Office-Bearers of the Club, for the time being Trustees ex-officio. The Trustees shall have the power to borrow on the security of the property of the Club, but such powers shall be exercised only on the consent of three-quarters of Full Members present at a General, or Special Meeting of the Club.

Surplus funds shall be invested for the benefit of the Club, as the Committee shall decide, and no liability shall attach to the Committee, or to the Office-Bearers, as Trustees, in respect of such investments, fraud only excepted.

The Income and Property of the Club shall be applied solely towards promoting the Club’s objects, as set forth in this constitution, and no portion thereof shall be paid, or transferred, directly or indirectly, to the members of the Club.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May/June.

Summons: At least ten days notice of the meeting shall be given, by advertisement, or written intimation, or both.
Quorum: Fifteen members shall form a quorum.
Chairman: The Chairman shall decide all points of order, and shall have a casting, as well as a deliberative vote.
Agenda for Annual General Meeting: The order of business shall be as follows: Minutes, Honorary Secretary’s Report, Treasurer’s Statement, Accountant’s Statement, Playing Report, alterations to Rules (if any), Election of Office-Bearers, and any other competent business.
Junior Members: Members under the age of eighteen years shall not be entitled to vote at any meetings of the Club, except for the election of Captain and Vice-Captain of the 1st XV.
Social Members shall not be entitled to vote at club meetings.

A Special Meeting may be called by the General Committee of the Club, or on a written request to the Secretary, signed by fifteen Full Members of the Club. On such a request being made, a Special Meeting shall be summoned within fourteen days of receipt of the request by the Secretary. The rules for the conduct of the meeting shall be the same as for the General Meeting, except that no business may be transacted other than that for which the meeting was called.

The General Committee shall provide a Club Room, and other facilities in the Clubhouse for the sales of Alcohol.

The General Committee shall have the power to frame Byelaws regulating the control of the Club premises, and for such other purposes as they may deem to be in the interests of the Club, Such Byelaws may, if the Committee so direct, become operative immediately, but they, and additions or alterations thereto, shall fall to be confirmed at the first General Meeting held after the date of making such Byelaws, or additions or alterations. At such General Meetings the same notice and majority as laid down for amendments to the Constitution in Rule 16 shall be required.

The Rules shall not be amended or altered without the approval of at least three-quarters of the Full members present, and voting, at the Annual General Meeting, or at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting called for the purpose.

In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be given, or transferred, to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:
1.A registered charitable organisation(s).
2.Another Club, which is registered CASC.
3.The sports national governing body for use by them for related community sports.

The General Committee shall have full power to deal with any questions arising on the terms, or constructions, of these Rules, and with any matter for which provision is not therein made.