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Central YRS next Continuous Match Official Development course on The Ruck

Central YRS next Continuous Match Official Development course on The Ruck

Fran Hellawell16 Nov 2017 - 20:55
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Really good turnout for our last society meeting, the next is booked for Thurs Dec 7th at Sandal - WF2 7DY - 7pm for a 7.15pm start

We'll be presenting a new CMOD on helping you develop your game this months topic the Ruck, please remember to make sure you book on the following link, if you aren't sure book anyway

We have changed the venue of the next meeting to Sandal - WF2 7DY all booked already on the CMOD will have been emailed those still to book please click on the following link - course Central CMOD Ruck Booking

Further reading