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Great Win Over Local Rivals!!

Great Win Over Local Rivals!!

Neil Lake15 Jan - 06:20
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Solid in Defence & Great in Attack

THETFORD 14 WATTON 22 13/01/24

Watton travelled to neighbours Thetford to meet a powerful opponent buoyed by a vociferous home crowd.

The early stages were evenly contested with the hosts efforts being undone by numerous penalties, giving Watton the opportunity to release their backs and stretch the defence before allowing Michael Stickland the space to power through and open the scoring.

The hosts responded immediately and were difficult to stop from short yards scoring twice in quick succession for a 14-7 lead, narrowed just before the break by a Richie Brand penalty.

The second half saw an excellent disciplined and controlled performance from the Red and Black as they refused to get drawn into the hosts battle with the referee and used the penalties to dictate territory and put some pressure on the Thetford line.

A sublime break from inside his own half by Matt Trede evaded many defenders before putting Archie Grove away, who had too much gas for the opposition defence and the conversion put Watton back into the lead at 17-14.

Yet another penalty allowed Watton to set up a driving maul from 5m before man of the match Rob Walker orchestrated the back line to eventually release Grove for his second try and a final score of 22-14.

A mention must go to the returning Sam Beckwith whose presence was evident throughout and Aaron Eagle who’s tackle count was both impressive and crucial in this hard fought but important victory.

Andy Leggett
( Vice President )

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