Club Shop

Club Shop

The club shop in the clubroom is open most nights and at the weekend, certainly at every home match with a variety of Ware FC related items. In addition some other items such as replica shirts can be ordered from the shop or by contacting Hayley Elitok at or by calling the club on 07542 379789.

Items can be viewed here with prices as follows:

Replica shirts from Under 6 to Men's XXL - prices on request.

Blue Cap: £10

Mug: £5

Key Ring: £2

Pin Badge: £5

An Intention to Play: £5

Fridge Magnet: £2

Double Sided Scarf: £6.50

Shield: £10

Beanie Hat: £10

Water Bottle: £5

Silicon Wrist Band: £2.50

Cotton Wrist Band: £3

Umbrella: £15