Child Welfare

Hi Everyone

Welcome to the welfare page for Tameside United Girls Football Club.

A little background...

Firstly I want to say thanks for visiting – I know that it’s not the most exciting of areas but nevertheless one of the most important for any player, parent, friend of the club.

So for those of you that don’t know me my name is Cheryl McAlister and I have been a supporter of the club since the days of Denton Girls FC where my daughter first started playing football back in 2012 and she’s never looked back since. I too have had my fair share of standing in all weathers with all the training and matches over the years and don’t see this changing anytime soon! I have always supported the club where I can over the years however, more recently I decided to join the committee to assist with the running and development of the club.

As of February 2019 I became the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) after completing my safeguarding and club welfare officer training with the FA along with having my Criminal Record Check. The role of the CWO is to ensure that everyone is safe, happy and we all follow the RESPECT campaign from the FA at the club – a role that is critical within the club.

My aim is to ensure that every parent, carer, child at the club

Knows who I am
Knows what to do if they have a concern
Knows how to contact me

I will work hard with the rest of the committee to ensure that we have everything in place and we keep up to date as a club with all our policies, code of conduct and checklists so that we can continue to be the safe, friendly, welcoming football club that we are.
How to contact me?

Please email: if you have any concerns whatsoever - all emails will be treated in strictest confidence.
I am often at the Thursday training sessions around 7pm until 8:30pm where you can also speak to me.
Club policies and procedures

I would be grateful if you could take the time to familiarise yourselves with our policies and procedures. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me.