Anti-Bullying Policy



This policy governs the good practice conduct for coaches and officials which all should adhere to in the delivery of the game of rugby

Policy framework:

All who work with young people should avoid situations where the adult and individual may be unobserved, e.g. individual skill session after collective training. All must work in pairs and never alone with individuals.

Young people must be aware of situations which may occur in a physical game when they join the club

Safety situations should be adopted to protect all young players in coaching any technique and always be in the presence of another person.

Any touching which is inappropriate (not directly related to the context of the activity) or is aggressive is poor practice and is not to be permitted.

Where mixed teams play away from home they must always be accompanied by at least one male and one female adult.

Volunteers and professionals must respect the right, dignity and worth of all and treat everyone with equality.

Coaches must place the well-being and safety of the player above the development of performance. This means:

1.1Avoiding overplaying players.
1.2Remembering young people play for fun and enjoyment.
1.3Motivating youngsters through positive feedback.
1.4Ensure that contact skills are taught in a safe, secure manner.
1.5Never allowing players to play when injured or ill.
1.6Ensuring all equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to the age and ability of the players.

At least one coach per age group must hold a current RFU coaching award other recognised award.

All other coaches must be at least working towards a current RFU coaching award, if they do not already have one.

Coaches to keep up to date with knowledge and skill and be aware of their own limitations.

Coaches to ensure that the activities they direct are appropriate to the age, maturity and ability of the players.