Anti-Bullying Policy

Snowdown Colliery Welfare Rugby Football Club recognises the importance of equal opportunity and fair treatment to all potential, present and past club members.

Snowdown CWRFC aims to ensure that all people irrespective of their age, gender, ability, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, colour, nationality, social status or sexual orientation have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate at all levels and in all roles. That is, as a participant or player, a coach, an official, a referee, a manager, an administrator or a spectator.

It is the aim of the Snowdown CWRFC in its relationships with its members, and in the provision of its services, not to disadvantage any individual by imposing any conditions or requirements which cannot be justified. Failure to comply may result in Disciplinary Action being taken. Advice and will be given to all those working for or on behalf of the club, by Club Committee Member’s and Club Coaches who have attended the ‘Club for All’ and ‘Equity in your Coaching’ workshops.

Snowdown CWRFC will seek to promote equity and equality through; the monitoring of practices, procedures, rules and regulations, increase collaboration with partner organisations, and provide appropriate training for existing and new committee members, coaches, referees and volunteers.

Snowdown CWRFC will not accept bullying of any kind. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the club’s Disciplinary Officer, Welfare Officer or relevant Coaching Co-ordinator. Bullying will be taken seriously, responded to promptly, and procedures followed to deal with the situation. It is the responsibility of every club member to ensure that all present and potential club members enjoy the sport in a safe and friendly environment.

The definition of bullying, the various types, and the signs and symptoms can be read in the RFU’s ‘Anti-Bullying Policy’, along with guidance notes for; the club committee, coaches and volunteers in how to raise awareness.

Reporting Procedure
In the event that any member feels that he or she has suffered inequality or bullying in any way they should follow the procedures below.
1)Report the matter to; club’s Disciplinary Officer, Welfare Officer, relevant Coaching Co-ordinator or another member of the Committee. The report should include:
a)Details of what, when, and where the occurrence took place,
b)Any witness statement and names,
c)Names of any others who have been treated in a similar way,
d)A preference for a solution to the incident,
2)The Disciplinary Officer will then arrange a meeting(s) to discuss within 7 days of the incident.
3)A decision will be made as to the severity of the behaviour and action will be taken at one of the stages listed in the club’s Disciplinary Procedure.
If the complaint is with regard to the Club’s Management Committee the member has the right to report the matter to the RFU.