History 1 of 6

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I have wanted to put together some history pages on the website for some time but have always found it difficult to get the facts on the early days. Everyone I have approached recently told me the same thing “you need to talk to Terry Connelly, he was there at the start”. So over a beer or two after a recent home match Terry shared some of his early memories with me. I also discovered that Terry has captured his rugby memoirs in writing in a piece he has called ‘Hooligans’.

Arriving on the Island at the age of thirteen from Hackney in London, he recalls that the only rugby being played on the Island at the time was at ‘Ryde School’. As a keen athlete he began his love of the game during his National Service in the R.A.F. where he was teamed up with a good helping of professional Rugby League players from the northern clubs plus a mix of Welsh & Scots, Rugby Union men.

The following Club History pages includes extracts from Terry’s ‘Hooligans’ memoirs.

Big Thanks Terry


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