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U9's on Tour

U9's on Tour

Mike Chantler30 Apr 2015 - 10:05
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Weymouth Tour 2015

Although we were one short for the ‘OG Dragons’ our opposition on every occasion either lent us a player or agreed to play 6-a-side, in true spirit of rugby.

This meant no rest-bite for any of the squad & what a hard fought out festival it turned out to be.
We’re so proud of the guys who played fair, tackled their hearts out & scored some great tries.

Day one was tough, but day two - after a late night & early start both sides managed a well-deserved ‘W’ & put in a really big effort.

Our rugby improved as the tournament went on, there were a couple of standout phases of play & bone crunching….try saving tackles. I don’t want to single any one guy out, they were “ALL SUPERSTARS” on this Tour.

OG Boa’s 2 v Stroud 2 - Danny, Thomas S.
OG Dragons 1 v Battersea 7 - Leo.
OG Boa’s 2 v Battersea 4 - Jack, Ted.
OG Dragons 3 v Swanage 3 - Leo 2, Mateusz.
OG Boa’s 0 v Battersea 4.
OG Dragons 0 v Battersea 5.
OG Boa’s 0 v Winslet 3.
OG Dragons 4 v Stroud 4 - Jack, Matty, Thomas V, Freddie.

OG Boa’s 0 v Horsham 6.
OG Dragons 3 v Horsham 2 - Ted, Mateusz, Danny.
OG Boa’s 3 v Topsham 2 - Thomas V 3.
OG Dragons 3 v Havant 4 - Woody 2, Luke.
OG Boa’s 1 v Battersea 2 - Ted.
OG Dragons 1 v Mottasheds 6 - Matty.
OG Boa’s 4 v Iles Incendiaries 4 – Danny, Henry, Leo, Ted.
OG Dragons 1 v Horsham 5 – Woody.

Further reading