
Get your team ready for this season!

This week's session has been designed to help you get your season off to the best possible start with 3 hours worth of Pre-Season training!

If you haven't already started now is the time to prepare for the new season! Do your players know what you expect from them this year in terms of discipline and performance? Have you refreshed the basics yet? Well if not this week's Sportplan double Pre-Season session is exactly what you need!

Session 1: Introduction to Handling and Unit Plays

In part one of this week's session we have a look at your expectations for the season, have you been clear with your players and do they know what you're expecting from them this season? Communication is key for building a solid foundation with your players - younger players will be looking for guidance whereas more experienced players will probably be happier to engage in a forum, discussing what worked well last season and how to build on it this year.

After this introduction we then look at get your players' hands warm again, starting with some key positional skills and handling practice to ease your players back into the game. After these simple starting exercises we start on the serious stuff, Option Plays. Option Plays are moves that can be used by all players in your squad to understand how they can start play from any position on the field - they help your players to be green by getting them to recycle the ball!

Session 2: Continuity Play - Passing your way out of the tackle

Did you know that on average a professional rugby player on average will run 12km in a game? Your players probably aren't at professional standard yet but nonetheless they will need to fit if they want to challenge this season.

To work your players hard and see what the summer break has done to their fitness levels we test their tackling and passing technique. Tackling is tremendously energy sapping and where possible it is preferable to pass the ball out of trouble in order to avoid the breakdown and preserve their energy with continuity skills.

To promote these positive playing values in your players we continue from where session 1 left off by looking at option plays before then progressing into some ball handling pressure drills. In these exercises your players will practice playing with contact where the objective is to try and avoid going to ground with the ball - instead successfully offloading the ball with use of continuity skills. However it's not always possible to get the ball out in time which is why we then look at speed mauling to support the first player.

This session will have a direct impact on your players' outlook for the season and will build confidence in dominating the play in games

Drill of the Week

Flat Defence
Players line up together along the line of the 1st set of cones.

On the signal of the coach all the players advance to the 3rd set of cones (20 meters away), making sure they all keep together in a straight line.

The players then retreat 10 meters to the 2nd set of cones, making sure they stay in line.

From the 2nd set of cones the players then advance a further 20 metres to the 4th set of cones and then retreat 10 meters back, to the previous set of cones.

Make sure all players stay in a straight line together.

A good drill to help bring players up together in a solid line while defending.

Vary the drill by making all players do press up at each set of cones.