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That's it folks...

That's it folks...

Cara Haines23 May 2017 - 20:11
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...another season is over!

Well it’s the end of another great year for the Mellish ladies! We’ve had great wins and unfortunate losses, but our hard work and preservation or should I say perspiration has left us 2nd place in the league table! (Whhhooooooooo)

After season of hard work growing our squad and building up positive training and game habits, it’s clear that this is a very exciting time for us. We now have a solid foundation to build upon ready for the forthcoming season, and are excited about the prospects that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, after an excellent end of season meal, it’s time to hang up our boots up for a month or two and most importantly let our bodies recover in anticipation of pre-season training. (Wait did I say recover, I meant fatten up!)

Anyway, if you’re thinking of joining a local rugby team, or are just looking to try something new, we are still about, so get in touch via email or through our Facebook page.

Over and out…

Further reading