Constitution 1 of 2

1. Constitution 1

The Contitution will soon be under redevelopment to encompass the junior and senior section. Giving the Club one Constitution govening all aspects relating to Fairfield Utd and the day to day running of the Club

Fairfield Utd Juniors Club Constitution

1. Name

The Club shall be called Fairfield Utd AFC Football Club (hereinafter called the club)

2. Affiliation

The club shall be affiliated to the Gwent County Football Association League

3. Aims and Objectives

The club shall aim to positivly promote the game of association football to its members and offer coaching and competitive opportunities to all those members who whis to play. To this end it shall operate a 'turn up and play' policy for junior members, to ensure those who wish to play have the opportunity to do so. It will seek to involve all members, particularly adults and parents of junior members, in the undertaking of its activities to ensure there is sustainable and quality provision for all.

4. Equality Statement

The club is fully committed to the principles of the equality of opportunity. No participant, volunteer, job applicant or employee of the club will receive less favorable treament on the grounds of gender, age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, parental or marital status, religious belife, social class or sexual preference than any other.
The club will ensure that there is open access for all those who wish to participate in the activities of the club, in whatever capacity and that they are treated fairly.
The clun recognises its legal obligations not to discriminate and will regard discrimination by an employee, participant or volunteer as grounds for disiplinary action under the relevant club rules
(Adapted from the FAW Welfare policy.)

5. Welfare Statement

The club recognises its responsibility to safegaurd the welfare of all children, young people and vunerable adults who are in membership of the club. The club will aim to provide good quality football an a safe environment by adopting the procedures and working practice of the Football Association of Wales Welfare Policy
(Adapted from the FAW Welfare Policy)

6. Membership
6.1 The club shall consist of the Officers and the members

6.2 In accepting membership, a person agrees to abide by the Constitution of the Club and the decisions of the Club Management Commitee

6.3 All members are also required to abide by the appropriate FAW Football Code of conduct.

6.4 The Management commitee shall be responsible for considering whether applications for membership should be accepted. This decision shall be made in accordance with the Equality statement in paragraph 4.

6.5 Members under the age of eighteen shall be considered as junior members.

6.6 Junior members shall not have the right to vote at Commitee meetings, but are entitled to form a junior council to represent them. Whilst atending meetings only one member of this council shall have the right to vote.

7. Membership Fees
7.1 Membership fees shall be set at the Annual General Meeting. The level of fees shall distinguish between those members who are in full time employment, members wo are unemployed or in full time education and junior members.

7.2 Membership fees shall be collected each week or at theend of each month if paying by cheque and are payable to the club treasurer. Any member who defaults on membership fees shall be dealt with on anindividual basis with personal difficulties taken into consideration.

8. Management Commitee
8.1 The Mangement Commitee will act for the members of the club and shall be comprised of the following nominated Officers: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Officer, Schools Liason Officer, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Team Coach and individual Junior Team Coaches

8.2 These Officers shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and hold their posts for a calendar year, unless specifically agreed at the meeting where rolling three year contract can be agreed for coaches. All members may seek re-election at the following year's AGM.

8.3 Any liabilities incurred shall fall upon the membership of the club providing the Management Commitee acts in accordance with the Constituton, in honesty and good faith.

8.4 The Management Commitee shall meet bi-monthly (Or when determined by the Chairperson) and all meetings, will be convened by the Secretary.

8.5 The quorum necessary for Management meetings shall be 5

8.6 The Management Commitee shall be responsible for interpreting the club Constitution in relation to theoperation of the club's affairs. Proposed amendments to the Constitution can only be agreed at the AGM.

8.7 Responsibility for al property owened or leased by the club rests with the Management Commitee.

8.8 The Management Commitee is reponsible for the recruitment and management of all quaified staff employed by the club.

9. Finance
9.1 All monies raised by, or on behalf of the club shall be applied to further the aims and objectives of the club and no other purpose.

9.2 The club Treasurer is reponsible for collecting membership subscriptions and maintaining the financial accounts of the club, detailing all income received and expenditure made.

9.3 The financial year of the club starts on 1st July and ends 30th June.

9.4 The funds of the club shall be lodged a a bank or building society in an account in the name of the club. All cheques, drafts, etc, drawn on thi acount shall be signed by two of the following Officers, Chairperson and the Team Coach.

10. Annual General Meeting and other meetings
10.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the club shall be held in July of each year or within three months of the end of the clubs finacial year. At this meeting the annual report of the Management Commitee and the audited statement of accounts up to the end of the finacial year shall be presented.

10.2 The Secretary shall give no less than 28 days notice of the date of the AGM to all members.

10.3 All elections of Officers shall be confirmed at the AGM. The Secretary should receive all new nominations for Officers post's not less than seven days prior to the AGM. All nominations shall be proposed and seconded from members of the club eligible to vote. Nominations can be accepted from the floor of the meeting only if five or more voting members are present.

10.4 The dates of the AGM and the Management Commitee meetings shall be determined at the previous meeting. In addition, the Chairperson may call a meeting when he or she considers it necessary or desirable, or upon the request of at least two members of the Management Commitee.

10.5 The quorum for general meetings sall be five members present who are eligible to vote

10.6 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary signed by not less than five members. The Management Commitee shall have the discretion to call an EGM by decision of a simple majorit of its members.

11. Voting Procedures for all meetings
11.1 All members entitled to vote at meetings shall have equal voting rights.

11.2 A motion shall be carried by a simple majority if those present and voting, xcept when the motion is a Constitutional amendment, which shall require a two-thirds majority.

11.3 In the event of equal votes being cast, the Chair shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberate vote.

12. Discipline and Appeals
12.1 The Management Commitee shall have the authority to take appropriate disciplinary action against any member or employee of the club and the discretion to terminate membership or employment if any person is found guilty of conduct deemed detrimental to the club.

12.2 Should a disiplinary issue involve the welfare of a child or vunerable adult then the Area Association Welfare Officer will be informed.

12.3 All individuals have the right of Appeal to any disciplinary decision made by the Management Commitee.

12.4 Any request mde for an Appeal Hearing should be made to either the Secretary or Chairperson within 14 days of the Disciplinary decision.

12.5 An Appeal Hearing should be convened within 14 days of the request for an Appeal being submitted

12.6 An Appeal Hearing should be convened by a member of the Management Commitee and no more than four additional club members who were independant of the origional Disiplinary Hearing and subsequent decision.

13. Dissolution Procedures
13.1 In the event of the club ceasing to exist and following the discharge of all debts and liabilities, any assets at the time of dissolution shall become the property of Fairfield Utd Seniors. No Junior members shall obtain any asset from the club.

13.2 The club may be wound up upon a motion proposed and seconded by Senior lub members and passed by a two-thirds majority at a special meeting covened for that purpose following a written request signed by 5 Senior members of the club.

14. Review of the Constitution
14.1 The Constittution should be reviewed a minimum of once every two years.

14.2 Any amendments to the Constitution can only be agreed at the club's AGM.

14.3 Proposed additions to, or alterations of the constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the AGM. All suggested amendments should be signed and seconded. No motion involving an amendment to the Constitution may be proposed from the floor of a meeting.

14.4 In the event of a proposal for amending the Consitution being submitted, the Secretary shall inform the membership of the proposed motion not less than 14 days prior to the AGM.

14.5 Any amendments to the prposed motion duly prposed and seconded shall be submited not later than seven days before the meeting.

14.6 Any alteration to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of Senior members voting and present.

14.7 All matters arising which are not provided for by the Constitution will be dealt with by the Management Commitee, whose decision shall be final.