
1 The name of the club is Crigglestone All Blacks.
2.1 Membership of the club shall be open to anyone and shall be confirmed upon receipt of the appropriate subscription and completion of the membership form.
2.2 Membership shall run from 1 August to 31 July.
2.3 Membership shall be one of the following classes:
Playing member - Anyone who has been registered by the club as a player with the appropriate playing league
Associate member – The parents/guardians/carers, siblings or partner of a playing member
Junior Member – Anyone aged 16 or under on 31 August
Youth member – Anyone aged 18 or under on 31 August who is not a Junior Member
Full Member – open to all
Life Member – Awarded by members to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the club.
2.4The annual subscription shall be:
a) Playing Member - £20 registration and annual subs of £180, if a player registers 6 months or more from the start of the membership (i.e. 6 months from 1st September being 1st March) the registration fee would be reduced to £10
All other subs info remains the same
b)Junior Member - £5
c)Youth Member - £5
d)Full Member - £10
2.5 Annual subs shall be collected in 12 monthly instalments (£15). Typically this will be September-August.
2.6 The first month’s subs shall be due at registration and subsequent payments shall be due on the first Tuesday of the following month.
2.7 All outstanding subs and monies must be paid prior to registration.
2.8 Any new player who was not registered with the club in the previous season shall be allowed to attend training for three weeks before they decide whether they wish to be considered as a Playing Member and therefore liable to pay the annual subscription specified in Rule 2.4.
2.9Any new Playing Member who was not registered with the club in the previous season and first trains or plays at the club before 1 October shall pay the full annual subscriptions.
2.10 Annual subscriptions for Playing Members shall be reduced to £120 if paid in full by 30 September or if bank standing order set up monthly payments will be reduced to £12 per month (£144 for 12 months)
2.11Subs shall be suspended for any full calendar months when a player is unable to train or play due to injury or illness, provided the player’s ID card has been returned to the Secretary before the beginning of the month. The ID card shall be returned to the team, once the player commences training or playing. Any player becoming 2 months in arrears will have their card retained by the committee preventing them from playing in any matches until all outstanding monies are received. This will be implemented without prejudice and will apply to all players without exception, any hardship cases must be brought to the attention of the committee for consideration to exemption within 28 days of the last payment received and will only be granted exemption by the committee following a majority decision.
2.12New Playing Members who first train or play with the club on or after 1 October shall have their annual subs reduced by £15 and a further £15 for every subsequent full calendar month that has passed since 1 October before they first trained or played with the club.
2.13Playing Members in teams that play a split season (eg September to December, March to June) will still pay subs in 12 monthly instalments.
2.14Two adults residing at the same address and living as a couple shall be able to become Full Members for a discounted price of £15.
2.15Two adults residing at the same address, living as a couple and responsible for a Playing Member (including Open Age) and who has paid the full annual subs (in accordance with Rule 2.9) shall be able to become Full Members for a discounted price of £10.
2.16Anyone aged 60 or over shall be able to become a Full Member for £5.
2.17Anyone in full time education shall be able to become a Full Member for £5 on production of a valid student ID card.
2.18 Club properties. All club property whether donated or part donated, or partial contributed to, becomes the property of the club. No individual member* has any claim of ownership to any property of any club property whether they have donated/contribute toward that property or not, any removal of club property from the club without prior authorisation by the committee will be treated as theft and dealt with by the authorities. * see appendix I
3 The club shall be affiliated to the British Amateur Rugby League Association (BARLA) and other leagues as appropriate.
4 The object of the club shall be to foster and promote rugby league football and facilities in the Crigglestone area in accordance with the rules and constitutions of BARLA and other leagues to which we are affiliated.
5 The affairs of the club shall be under the management of the General Committee, comprising the following Officers:- Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Committee Members.
5.2Members shall be elected to serve for a period of two years ending at the close of the appropriate AGM.
5.3To ensure that half of the General Committee stands for re-election each year, in 2010 the following posts shall be elected for a period of one year – Vice Chair, Treasurer and the two Committee Members receiving the lowest number of votes (or to be decided by the General Committee in the event of a tie).
5.4The General Committee shall authorise the appointment of members to other positions at the club as it deems necessary and shall produce a role description for each post, so that post holders are clear about their role and responsibilities. These roles shall include, but not be limited to, the roles as detailed in the club’s ClubMark document.
5.5 The General Committee shall appoint an Officer of the club or a member of the General Committee to chair each of the following four permanent sub-committees:
Football Committee, Grounds & Maintenance Committee, Administration, Fund Raising & Finance Committee, Junior Development Committee
5.6 Any General Committee member who fails to attend two consecutive General Committee meetings will have their membership of the committee reviewed by the General Committee and could be removed from their post following a majority vote agreeing to do so.
5.7 The General Committee may appoint any member of the club to serve on one of the four permanent sub-committees.
5.8 Membership of all permanent sub-committees shall last until the following AGM unless terminated earlier by the General Committee.
5.9 Representatives from all sections of the club shall be encouraged to join the General Committee and the four permanent sub-committees.
5.10 The General Committee may appoint any Full Member or Life Member to the position of Club President for a period to be determined by the General Committee. The Club President shall chair all AGMs or EGMs and shall be entitled to attend all club committee meetings as a non-voting member.
5.11If the Club President is unable to attend any AGM or EGM, he shall nominate a substitute to take his place.
6 Nominations for membership of the General Committee must be submitted in writing (email is acceptable) to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
6.1The nomination must include the name of the member wishing to stand for election, and the name of a proposer who must be either a Full or Life Member of the club.
6.2The member wishing to stand for election may also include a supporting statement (maximum 100 words), which will be published by the Secretary together with a list of all nominations at least seven days before the AGM.
7 The election of the General Committee shall be by a democratic vote of members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
7.1Where vacancies are contested, the candidate(s) securing the highest number of votes shall be elected.
7.2When a candidate is standing unopposed, or the number of candidates is less than the number of vacancies, a candidate shall be required to secure at least a third of the votes cast to be elected.
7.3 Only Full Members and Life Members are eligible to serve on the General Committee.
7.4 Only Life & life Members and people who are Full Members 6 months preceding the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), may vote or speak at such a meeting. Other members or guests may be permitted to speak at such a meeting at the discretion of the Club President or his substitute.
7.5 The General Committee shall have powers to co-opt any Full Member of Life Member onto the General Committee, should any vacancy occur within the General Committee or expressions of interest have been received.
7.6 The General Committee shall also have powers to disqualify any member who, in the opinion of the General Committee, have not acted in the true interest of the club as a General Committee member.
7.7 Any member of the General Committee who is disqualified under Section 7.6 may appeal to members at an EGM to be held within 60 days of the disqualification, if the member serves notice of an appeal supported by a minimum of 20 Full Members or Life Members upon the Secretary within 21 days.
7.8 The decision of the EGM called under section 7.7 shall be final.
8 The General Committee shall have powers to discipline, suspend or cancel the membership of any members guilty of a breach of the rules or regulations or who act in a way to damage the interests of the club.
8.1 Any member who is disciplined or whose membership is suspended or cancelled under Section 8 may appeal to members at an EGM to be held within 60 days of the suspension or cancellation, if the member serves notice of an appeal supported by a minimum of 20 Full Members or Life Members upon the Secretary within 21 days.
8.2 The decision of the EGM called under section 8.1 shall be final.
8.3The General Committee may appoint a discipline panel to investigate any matters of relevance and make recommendations to the General Committee for action.
8.4 League Fines
8.41 Any player that receives an “individual” fine, will have their first offence per season supported by the club, any subsequent fine from that individual player in the same season will then have the player responsible for payment. Any appeal to a fine following a league disciplinary ruling must be financed by the individual, the club will not pay for any appeal with the exception of hardship cases that must be requested to the committee within 7 days of notification of fine.
8.42 All fines accountable to an individual player must be paid within 30 days of notification of fine, any fines outstanding after this point will then have the players card withdrawn from the team and the player not allowed to play until the fine has been paid, outstanding fines will be taken from the teams budget and only be replace once the fine have been satisfied.
8.43 All Team managers/coaches/matchday officials/supporters/members* are responsible for payment of their own fines. This must be paid within 30 days of notification. Failure to pay at this time will result in suspension from the club and match days (both home and away). Repeat offenders will have their membership and right to attend match days reviewed by the committee following an individual attending a club disciplinary meeting. Any appeal to a fine following a league disciplinary ruling must be financed by the individual, the club will not pay for any appeal (no exceptions)
8.44 Team fines will be treated in the same way as individual playe fines with one offence per season supported by the club any subsequent fines will be taken from the individual teams budget and the offending team will need to have a fundraising event to replace the cost of the fine.
9 The General Committee shall have powers to appoint Sub-Committees for any special purpose.
10 All club property shall be in the complete charge of the General Committee or Sub-Committee appointed by them.
11 The members holding the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be the Trustees of the club where applicable.
11.1 A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership. In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of another organisation with similar objectives to those of the club.
12 The General Committee have the right to refuse entry to club premises to any person, where they feel it is in the best interest of the club to do so.
13 No rules shall be altered or rescinded except by two third majority of Full Members (including Life Members) present at the AGM or EGM, which may be called if the General Committee and members consider the circumstances warrant such action.
14 Notice of any proposed alteration to the rules must reach the Secretary at least 21 days before the AGM or EGM.
14.1For new rules which require a majority to be passed, in the event of a tie in a vote, the Chair of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
15 Should any question arise on the construction of these rules, the opinion of the General Committee shall be taken and their decision shall be final.
16 Quorum for the AGM or EGM to be 25% of the Life members and Full Members. Committee meetings to be 50% of current committee membership.
17 The election of club auditor shall be made by members at the AGM.
18 All open age players coach, Club Welfare Officer, Team Manager, Membership Secretary or any other matchday registered club official should be encouraged to become a Full Member* but it will not be mandatory
*see appendix I
18.1 It is a mandatory requirement for any committee member (either elected or co-opted) must be a full or life member.
*see appendix I
19 Any coach who incurs a fine by not abiding with Open Age, Youth, Junior, RFL and BARLA rules will pay their own fines.
20 Child Protection
The club agrees to adopt the Rugby League Child Protection Policy and Implementation Procedures. All individual members are deemed to have read, understood and assented to the Rugby League Code of Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) and as such recognise and adhere to the principles and responsibilities embodies in the Code.

Appendix i
Club Members of Crigglestone Blacks are defined as follows.
Playing member - Anyone who has been registered by the club as a player with the appropriate playing league
Associate member – The parents/guardians/carers, siblings or partner of a playing member
Junior Member – Anyone aged 16 or under on 31 August
Youth member – Anyone aged 18 or under on 31 August who is not a Junior Member
Full Member – open to all
Life Member – Awarded by members to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the club

As agreed at the AGM held on 19th September 2016