General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Social Media Policy

Cleobury Mortimer Rugby Football Club General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Social Media Policy


This document has been written to provide a policy addressing Social Media Policy and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Compliance for Cleobury Mortimer Rugby Club (CMRFC). Social media used frequently used as a prominent method of communication for our Club. It serves as a medium by which where we can express opinions and engage with the members of our club, along with the wider community. It is important for us to have a policy to demonstrate how we ensure we are represented in a suitable way and can take action should the need arise. We are taking this opportunity to remind our members of the importance of ensuring that all our social networking streams should be used in accordance with this policy as well as thoughtfully and responsibly. CMRFC also abides by the RFU Social Media Policy.


This policy provides guidelines for the appropriate use of social media by members, players, coaches, staff, and volunteers of CMRFC and to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Social Media:

We currently use number of social media sources to the benefit of our Club. The following are examples of what we currently use and does not constitute an exhaustive list:

• Facebook
• Instagram
• WhatsApp groups
• Websites

There are many others which are not named here. All electronic communication where individuals can interact online, be it within applications or on web pages and where the content includes the Club’s name or branding or reputational risk, in part or in full should be considered relevant to this policy.

Respect and Integrity:

All social media communications should uphold the values of respect, integrity, and sportsmanship. Avoid posting content that could be considered offensive, discriminatory, or harmful to others.


Members must respect the privacy of individuals and avoid sharing confidential or sensitive information about players, staff, volunteers, or the club without proper authorisation. Personal data should be handled in accordance with GDPR guidelines.


When posting on social media, remember that you are representing CMRFC. Refrain from making statements that could damage the reputation of the club or bring it into disrepute.


Members must ensure that information shared on social media platforms is accurate and reliable. Avoid spreading rumours or false information that could mislead others.

Copyright and Intellectual Property:

We will respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights when sharing content on social media and obtain proper permission before using or sharing copyrighted material.

Official Channels:

Official announcements and communications from the club should be made through designated official social media channels. Personal opinions should be clearly distinguished from official club statements.

Monitoring and Moderation:

The club reserves the right to monitor and moderate social media activity related to CMRFC. Inappropriate or offensive content may be removed, and individuals who violate this policy may face sanctions from our Club.


Any concerns or violations of this policy should be reported to a member of the Club’s management committee for appropriate action.

By adhering to this social media policy and GDPR guidelines, we can maintain a positive and respectful online environment while protecting the privacy and rights of all individuals associated with CMRFC.


Cleobury Mortimer Rugby Football Club GDPRS and Social Media Policy
