100 Club

What is the 100 Club they all cried . Briefly the members pay £12 per annum & are allocated a number which is entered in a draw . The intention is to have 2 draws a year, Boxing Day, & VP’S Day.

The first draw of each year being Boxing Day .

The current prizes are £100 , £50 & £25 . If numbers exceed 100 we will increase the prizes accordingly .

Current membership is in the region of 70 .

Most current members pay by Standing Order in November & we would wish new members to do the same as it makes admin easier .

Existing members on standing order mandates need do nothing your numbers will be the same .

So if you want to join please complete the Standing Order Mandate form & give it to Dave Maiden (Skin) , Donna Moore , Nick Freeman or Martyn Powis

Thanking you all in anticipation