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Important news about subs and RFL membership fees

Important news about subs and RFL membership fees

Paul Elliott21 Nov 2023 - 16:06
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The club has recently had our bank account closed by Barclays with very little notice currently leaving us without an active bank account.

Anyone who pays their subs by standing order will have therefore seen at least one months subs refunded to your bank account.

It is likely to be a few weeks before a new account will be set up meaning 2-3 months of payments will not be collected.

Once the new account is up and running we will need all members to set up a fresh standing order to the new club account.

We will also be increasing the current annual charge as follows:

£15pm or £150 for the year
Capped at £35pm for a family with 3 or more players registered

We will not be asking members to make up any of the missed payments however in past seasons we have paid the one off annual RFL membership fee for all of our players.
For the 2024 season we are asking all players to make this payment themselves direct to the RFL when re-registering.

The RFL charge is as follows:

Under-12’s – £13
Under 13s-18’s - £19
Adult - £25

We would like to thank everyone in advance for their co-operation and apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

if anyone genuinely has financial difficulties making these payments then please speak to your coach or a member of the committee as we do not want this to prevent anyone playing for our teams!

Further reading