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Arlene Moxon23 Nov 2022 - 08:07
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Boston Ladies delivered another winning performance on Friday night against Stamford Women.

Boston Ladies delivered another winning performance on Friday night against Stamford Women, but not without a concerted effort to overcome a determined Stamford side.

From the off, Stamford seemed up for the game and it was they for the first 20 minutes who took the game to the home side. Wave after wave of forward carries gave the visitors impetus going forward, the Boston pack, in particular, having to defend successive Stamford attacks with the visitors camped in the Boston half.
On the 17-minute mark a spilled ball by Stamford from a kick over the top, allowed Boston possession and the subsequent scrum. A stable platform allowed No.8 Mollie Smith (sponsored by NJS Safety) to pick the ball from the base of the scrum and surging forward, offloading via supporting Charlotte Daubney (sponsored by PJM Decorations) to winger Lilly Smith, returning from a two week break, who powered down the line to open the scoring, which Hannah Booth converted.
This seemed to settle the Boston Women, who began to make inroads of their own into the Stamford side. The physical battle of both packs continued; however, Boston overcame their initial shock at the intensity Stamford brought early doors and slowly began to bring their own stamp to the game. A series of strong forward carries and quick recycling, allowed the back line to penetrate deeper into Stamford territory, and on the 25-minute mark slick carries and off loads allowed Fly Half Sherrie Christian to hit an inside line, cutting a swathe through the Stamford defence and score from 20 metres out. Hannah Booth again duly converted the effort.
Stamford replied almost immediately from the re-start as Boston fumbled the re-start kick, their scrum released the Stamford back line to gain territory, an offside decision gave the visitors their first points as captain, Daisy Attley slotted over the penalty.
Boston then followed that set back with sustained period of pressure, marching inexorably toward the Stamford line. However, after Stamford had kicked for an exit, the missed touch was picked up by the impressive Jen Braysher, who offloaded to an onrushing Maisie Austin who carved through the line to score just right of the posts.
Again, Boston managed to fumble the re-start, allowing the Stamford forwards the opportunity to recycle possession, and after a succession of powerful plays it was the NC 3 side who showed impressive team cohesion and exiting interplay to set up an imperious run from Kayna Penrose-Toms, who carved out a slice or two of her own from the Boston defence and powering over to score Stamford’s first try. Daisy Attwood again converted well, taking the teams in at the halfway point 19 – 10.
The second half recommenced, this time it was the home side who settled into their rhythm quickly, the forward pack dominating possession, exerting pressure on the visitor’s scrum and line out. Smith scoring her second of the day after gratefully receiving a well-timed pass from Maisie Austin, who had entered the line effortlessly, after Boston had turned over Stamford possession and capitalised on their being not set in defence. Austin herself then caught a kick on the 60-minute mark and powered through the advancing Stamford defence, being brought down at the 22. The forwards then recycled the ball quickly and set about grinding the defenders with a series of huge carries, sucking the defence in, before releasing the ball back down the line to Hannah Booth, who made a fantastically crafted half break before off-loading to winger Paige Heeley, who stepped a couple of defenders before providing the onrushing full back Austin a well-timed pass to power into the corner.
Hannah Booth then converted to give the home side breathing space at 31 - 10. Booth herself delivered an outstanding individual performance on Friday, a truly selfless, determined, and exemplary personal performance that inspired her teammates throughout the game and entertaining the crowd of spectators with her power and pace. Mercurial in attack and powerful in defence, the inside centre delivered dominant tackle after dominant tackle in defence, whilst balancing the attack by creating gap after gap for her team mates to exploit.
Mollie Smith who is clearly loving her rugby, had the final say. She and her back row unit of Cath Neville and Catelyn Etherington had covered every blade of grass and hit every ruck throughout the evening, secured quick ball at a ruck 15 metres out, the rampaging Smith took the ball at speed and powered herself over the line to finish the game off, with Neville and Etherington in close support. The game ending 36 – 10 in favour of the Blue and Whites.
Match awards went to Hannah Booth, back of the match and Stamford’s opposition player, and Mollie Smith awarded Forward of the Match. Debuts were recognised with both Jess Wright and Rachel Etherington awarded debuts for the Senior side. A special award was given to Rachel and Catelyn (Etherington) as mum and daughter played together for Boston for the first time.
The Boston coaching team said of the game,’ The Senior Women put in another great shift today, Stamford came here totally determined to play well and be physical, they would not give an inch. The Women (Boston) had to react on field and match up quickly which they did. Charlotte (Daubney) delivered an excellent leaders’ performance tonight; she demanded the girls’ switch on and the squad responded well. I want to thank Stamford for that performance, as it is exactly what we needed going forward into the rest of the season, they gave us the shock we needed to up our game. Stamford never gave up, they played with pride in their club and with passion and were a real physical test.
Once we hit our stride after the twenty-minute mark, we managed to perform well, with the forwards again providing the platform to allow the back line to express itself. Our senior players did lead from the front today, supporting the skipper. Hannah (Booth) in particular, was electric this evening, she delivered a performance that inspired everyone of her teammates. Her tackling in defence and her vision and guile in attack were truly awesome. Mollie (Smith) is loving her rugby, which shows week in week out in her performances and having the back rowers we have in the squad allows her to express herself. Jen (Braysher) controls the line well having the experience and craft, which is allowing Sherrie Christian to make fantastic tactical decisions, as well as executing fine running lines to create chances.
The powerful tight five of Max Heeley, Lucy Buckberry, Tash Champion, Lycia Elston and Charlie Ingram Janetta consistently make the hard yards, they are relentless ball carriers, but also self-less. Nothing makes these guys happier than making hard yards and big hits for the team. The bench this evening all played their part with Jess Wright and Rachel Etherington debuting and having real impact. Nat Oakes, Emma Duly and Emily Cooper Doig both continue to gain invaluable experience as well as significantly contributing to the performance’s week on week. Syd Elston had huge impact when she hit the front row in the second period, newly trained in the black art of the front row; she delivered power in the scrum as well as a huge lifting capability in the lineout, as well as having the versatility of playing the second and back rows. Lottie Dack came on the second half to great effect with her speed and tackling, another who is gaining valuable game time on the wing before her imminent educational transition to scrum half begins.’
‘The Girls have managed to continue our winning start to the season and the performances are continuing to develop, which is always good for confidence. But these types of performances do not just appear one day, this squad works so hard in training, and it is their commitment to each other and their sheer blood, sweat and tears type hard work in training that is delivering these positive results.’
Ladies and Girls out there, if you fancy a go, the Senior Women train, every week, on Tuesday or Thursday evening, 7:00pm – 8:30pm at the PRSA (covid Vaccination Centre), Great Fen Road, Boston. The girls, under 18s – U12s, train with the Senior Women on Tuesdays, and on their own Sunday Morning 1030 – 1200.
Google ‘Pitchhero Boston RFC’

Written by Shaun Turl, BRFC Ladies coach

Further reading