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U11’s | VS Brackley

U11’s | VS Brackley

Brett Staniford8 Dec 2019 - 17:57
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Bletchley U11’s Strike Back!

Bletchley under 11s, led by team captain Ryan J, had to dig deep today against a strong and disciplined Brackley under 11s away at Fine Lady Fields, to eventually win 6-4.
From kick off Brackley were quick on the ball and strong in the tackle and soon took a 3-0 lead. In response, a strong, determined forward run by George W saw Him score Bletchley’s first try and the comeback was on.
The scrum, Louis R, Deegan W and George W won every ball allowing for Eddie P to marshal the attack and with some fierce tackling by Liam P, Jack G and Ellis H Bletchley were able to hold the line and counter attack with Harry W scoring two in quick succession.
Quick vision by Harry W saw him kick the ball perfectly into Brackley’s try area and a trademark quick burst of pace from Ryan J saw him score Bletchley’s fourth.
Bletchley maintained the strength in defence with some great tackling by Reece S and Denny C preventing a Brackley try. The fifth try soon followed, scored by Harry W but a determined counter attack by Brackley saw them score their fourth try.
The game ended with Ellis H scoring Bletchley’s sixth after a fantastic forward run saw him smash through Brackley’s defensive line.
Player of the week was awarded to Ellis H. Ellis won the award for his force tackling, support runs and his strong rucks. Well done Ellis.
Further reading