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Second Team are good value for their away at Sedgely Park

Second Team are good value for their away at Sedgely Park

David Scott25 Mar 2013 - 16:17
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Many congratulations and thanks to the 19 lads who braved the bitter temperatures and strong winds to play on a day when most other human beings were wisely inside!

The team won 34 20 (or 37 20 according to my sheet) against a strong Sedgely Park team on their first team pitch. Senior squad coaches Radice and Hayton would have been proud not only of the result but of the quality in all aspects of play including an effective first phase from both scrum and line out and a text book driving maul. The backs too shone and when the ball was moved we had too much pace out wide for the home defence to handle.

It was also great to see the blend of experience and youth working so well together - congratulations Dave Eccles on a remarkable team transformation over the season; your efforts are massively appreciated! The stats show that of the 18 lads who played some part in the game 14 have now represented the first team at some point and 12 of them this season! Strength in depth is starting to come and in the long term the whole club will benefit.

Thanks also to Austin Clarke who travelled but was unable to play due to the fact that we were restricted to 3 subs due to a misunderstanding between the teams at the start. I hold up my hand for my part in this issue.

Well done again lads - let's travel well next week to Bolton!

Martin Hallam
BRUFC Chairman of Rugby

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