Healthy Living Projects

Healthy Living Projects

In December 2016, after Barkingside's match with FC Romania, which was a game that was dedicated to the homeless, the club donated items to a local Charity Healthy Living Projects, based in Ilford.

Here's information about the Charity.

The strap line for our Welcome Project is "Giving Hope to the Homeless". Under the charity's banner "Healthy Living Projects" our Welcome Centre provides day time services for Rough Sleepers coming off the streets.

Our aim is to help people move on to lead independent and healthy lives. The Centre provides Support, Advice and Guidance on issues relating to accommodation and benefits.

We encourage people to take the next steps necessary to make a the most of their lives, this may include improving their basic skills of English, Maths or IT, attending back to work workshops or developing a new skill such as catering or construction. On a daily basis The Welcome Project also provides Hot Meals, Showers, Clothing and a Laundry service.

For more info on 'Healthy Living Projects' click on their website here.