Stars in Their Eyes
Events 1 of 3

1. Stars in Their Eyes

Hit the high notes this November at Manor Park.
Oldham RUFC presents Stars in Their Eyes 2021.

If you're a wannabee Freddie Mercury, Adele, Taylor Swift or Liam Gallagher (other singers are available) and you think you've got what it takes to top the bill and walk away with a prize, then we are now taking applications for this year's must attend event at the Oldham RUFC Clubhouse on Saturday 20th November.
Admission to the evening, which starts at 7.30pm, is just £3 with food available.
Contact Jack Taylor on 07889 609959 for further details or to add your name to the list of applicants.

Venue: Oldham RUFC Clubhouse, Manor Park, Byrth Road, Bardsley, Oldham, OL8 2TJ