GMS Age Grade Affiliation 2 of 3

2. Create Parent GMS Account

To start the process click on the following Link to open the RFU GMS Login Page


Suspect you might already have an account?
If you are a parent of a player and/ or have a role within a club, you may already have an account set up for you, either by a club administrator, a family member or yourself at an earlier date. In order to avoid creating a duplicate account, please check for any existing accounts by following the steps:

  1. Click on the forgot password link
  2. Enter your email address or GMS user name (if you have forgotten either of these please email Club Registrar who can provide these details.
  3. Click on the reset password button

You will be then sent an email from the GMS system. This email will contain a reset password link. Please follow the instructions to reset your password.

Assuming you don't have an account

  1. From the landing page select the Find a Club Link
  2. Select the filter option (top right of screen) and enter Hemel in the name field, press Enter
  3. Select create account against Hemel Hempstead (Camelot) RUFC
  4. Fill out the mandatory personal details on this page including: First and Last name, email, DOB, mobile number and address, and click on NEXT.

If at this stage you receive an error message 'Your detail already exist' then you do already have an account, please see section Suspect you have an account above.

On the next page:

  1. Create and confirm your login password within the rules
  2. Tick if you would like to 'opt in' in the Privacy Notice
  3. Review the GMS and Login Terms and Conditions and tick to confirm
  4. Review your 'My Details' and correct and click NEXT

You have now created your GMS account and should be taken into your Personal Profile Dashboard.
Additionally you will be sent an email to verify your email address in the account. It is important you carry out this step otherwise your account is not fully setup. If you do not receive this email you can request it again using the Resend verification email link on this Personal Profile Dashboard screen.
You are ready to add children